
“A healthy Mind in a healthy Body” with Erasmus+. The challenge is to modify and make the relation to our own personality evolve in an individual and collective approach. The actors of all ages, in more or less disabling conditions will meet and share their experiences . The outputs of these experiences (reports, articles on the blog, videos) will be collected and shared during the meeting projects, courses and congress and disseminated out. We want to support youth activeness in the fields of healthy lifestyle. Students are active in the planning, development and evaluation of the project.

SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show

The chemical-physical show was prepared by an association which was invited to school to promote science learning in schools. Students were in sports hall and they could watch different experiment that 2 teachers were presenting. The interaction between them was made by dialogues and participation in presented experiments. After each experiment the "magic trick" was explained from physical or chemical point of view. 

The program included: Polymer spell (importance of polymers, absorption properties of substances) soap production (saponification - organic chemistry) magical solution (oxidation and reduction, reverse reactions) bouncing ball production (state change) fancy smoke circles (toroidal vortex, energy-retaining ability) mysterious hand (acidity and alkalinity, PH indicators) trick with banknote (burning) dragon's breath (demonstration and explosion definition).

Students learned that chemistry and physics are all around us. They use different products every day without realising it. They could understand the importance of science learning through experience and interaction.

SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
SMSL19 Sciences Chemistery Show
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