25 Août 2020
First, on January 21st, the participants wrote down their names on a piece of paper. The pieces were put in a box. Each participant picked a note and did not show the name that was written on the note. In case someone picked up their own name, they had another go. The aim was that each participant had a secret friend for 2 weeks. (until February 4th) They had to take care of him / her, try to find as much information about him / her, and find a way to make him/ her special.
At the end of the period, on February 4th, there was a discussion to find out if they had identified the secret friend, what the clues were, if they managed to play their part, how they interacted, how this activity helped them to be a friendly unified group. Some students found out very easily their secret friend was, others didn’t. Some made a lot of efforts to behelpful, nice and thoughtful to their secret friends, whereas it was quite a challenge for more reserved teenagers who had to overcome their lack of self-confidence
They all agreed that it was a good, positive and fun experience. They all realised that sometimes , especially when it came to people outside their sphere, but not only, they were not very attentive to others and did not care much for their feelings or needs. They all felt more united and less prone to indifference or aggressive or antisocial behaviour, which is a pre-condition to prevent bullying.