25 Août 2020
First, on February 4th, each participant received a sheet of paper and was asked to imagine an advertising campaign for themselves to promote their qualities, to create a logo or drawing that could suit them, write a short poem or sentence describing them positively.
Then, on March 3rd, the students got ready for their presentation to the group. They stuck the personalised sheet of paper on their tee-shirt. Each student presented their paper to the group, explaining their choices (logo, colours, sentence or poem) and a big fashion show was organised in the classroom. They had to learn how to present themselves in a positive way and overcome self-consciousness, lack of self-confidence and also self-esteem.
Some students found it hard to find qualities in themselves. They had to be helped, reassured, supported. Besides, it wasquite a challenge for reserved teenagers to take part in a fashion show and be exposed. They had to overcome their lack of self-confidence.