
“A healthy Mind in a healthy Body” with Erasmus+. The challenge is to modify and make the relation to our own personality evolve in an individual and collective approach. The actors of all ages, in more or less disabling conditions will meet and share their experiences . The outputs of these experiences (reports, articles on the blog, videos) will be collected and shared during the meeting projects, courses and congress and disseminated out. We want to support youth activeness in the fields of healthy lifestyle. Students are active in the planning, development and evaluation of the project.

Environment Eco-citizenship chart

First, the students worked in groups and tried to find out what could easily be improved in the school as far as the environment is concerned.  They discussed and debated the different actions that could be  implemented  to reduce waste,  the consumption of water, paper, electricity,  fuel,  transport, food waste and packacking in the school. They also had the idea of creating a kitchen garden and growing organic vegetables  which would be cooked in the school canteen.  Theyvisited  all the other classes and presented their project and future actions.

They consulted with  relevant stake holders and  authorities explaining their projects and asking for their support. Theywrote letters to the members of the school management  board to inform them of the future actions and if need be to obtain a favourable vote. Because of Covid-19 lockdown, most of the actions will be implemented from the 2020 academic year onwards.

They wrote a chart to be displayed in the school.


Letters,  enviromental chart and posters displayed in the school, actions to be implemented during the next schoolyear. The students were very active and really interested in the action. They had a lot of ideas and had very lively and fruitful discussions. They worked in groups, cooperated, shared their ideas and felt really responsible. We hope the implementation of their ideas in the school will meet  their enthusiasm and expectations.

They  proved they were already aware of enviromental problems and eager to take an active part in the envirommentalbattle.


Environment Eco-citizenship chart
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