
“A healthy Mind in a healthy Body” with Erasmus+. The challenge is to modify and make the relation to our own personality evolve in an individual and collective approach. The actors of all ages, in more or less disabling conditions will meet and share their experiences . The outputs of these experiences (reports, articles on the blog, videos) will be collected and shared during the meeting projects, courses and congress and disseminated out. We want to support youth activeness in the fields of healthy lifestyle. Students are active in the planning, development and evaluation of the project.

Measuring terrain and trees

Measuring terrain and trees
Measuring terrain and trees

Science It is important to know our own environment. Finland lives out of wood. Furthermore connection with nature is mentally important for all of us.


Our 5th and 6th graders studied terrain. They counted what species are there in the grounds in one square meter, what percentage is there for example lingon berry, blueberry, heather. They also used relascope for calculating how much there is wood in one hectare. They also tried to calculate how tall the trees are with a special stick.


In these pictures girls calculate the spieces and Eetu is measuring the height of a tree.

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